reader, Your Personal Betting Consigliere
MasterClass Member

Hi, Welcome to your Personal Betting Consigliere
This is a patented service unique to The Horse Race Predictor. 24/7 you can ask for advice on any aspect of your daily betting campaign or seek clarification on an issue, as you learn the ropes. We will get back to you within 2hrs or immediately. Perfect, for any member who needs to get his HRP Automiser set before he leaves for work or someone who needs counsel before he finalises his betting campaign for the afternoon session, or the evening.
Hi, I attended the Masterclass this weekend so happy with Gruss and the automiser. I have started with Quads from £100 bank. I am also looking at Coupmaster with test stakes until I understand how it works. From a manual point of view I am doing one bet a day and I am also looking at doing FavPlacer via the Platinum spreadsheet – just at minimum stakes. I would intend to do these until I am following the plans with correct stakes – however long this takes. Do you think this is sensible, or do you think it is too much to start with? I am not new to betting and know my way round Betfair etc. I would also like to use a VPS and I have seen the information in the help section of HRP bot. Where is the best place to ask for information about this – the Forum or the chat section? Also do you have a view on or use a VPS? there is a lot of information online about them. Sorry for the long post – they will get shorter. Philip.
Hi Philip, very good to hear from you. Yes, there are quite a few points in your message so let me take them 1 at a time. Coupmaster – the post is up in the Bocco area now. One Bet A Day, should take care of itself and is recommended to be worked either manually with the HRP Platinum Spreadsheet or added to Top Rated into the Automiser roster. It’s possible you could both work it as a strict one bet a day and add it to the Automiser. Fav Placer uses Pro Staking I believe, and I can’t vouch for what results will be gained from Platinum. However, the strike rate is very high on these particular bets from the forum. If you were very selective with them, you could pop one or two choice picks into the C20 sheet? Regard the VPS issue, we are looking at collating all the relevant info on this and making informed recommendations within the next two weeks!
Hi Bocco, Thanks for your reply. I’ve only just picked it up. I’m not doing top rated via the bot yet so will keep doing manually but may do manually and through bot eventually. Looking forward to information re: VPS.
Bocco, need clarification please on Dutch Platinum. Is this Gavs selctions? as the selections neither matched Dutch Gold or Dutch Diamond. Of course unfortunately the BOT did not place the last race which would have changed the day around, c’est la vie. Just some calrification on where these selections are coming from, thx.
Hi Ian, the selections aren’t chosen they are automatically picked up from the Method Suite rosters. When you say they ‘didn’t match’.. how do you mean exactly and what races were different to the Method Suite?
Bocco , the selections were neither Dutch Diamond nor Dutch Gold, I though they might be Dutch Banker, which from what Gav says are the common ones from Gold and Diamond, but that was not the case. Hence my question. From what you say they are acompletely different selection, would i be correct?
These bets are all taken from the Dutch Diamond and Gold Roster automatically. Hard to see on the face of it, how they would be different selections. So the way to handle this, is for you to email me the selections you think were not Dutch Gold or Diamond and then I can send them over to be compared with the roster bets yesterday.
Bocco,, another question please. If I remove the HRP top rated on the automiser and insert the Place Diamond selections, will it follow the Platinum staking plan of split 25/75 if place odds are above 1.75?
Hi Ian, yes it will. Anything that goes into that funnel will follow the instructions you mention for staking. Does this clear it up?
I downloaded the software, installed and opened. The Betfair login page is in Russian (!) notwithstanding I tried to login but it came up with a message that my subscription had expired. I wonder if its looking at a previous sub I may have had?
I have also put in a support ticket for this.
Hi Stephen, I’m not too sure what has happened there. It is definitely one for support and I will notify them additionally that your issue is live. Please let me know how you get on.
Hi Bocco, when I add selections to the automiser and close down the bot they are not there when I reopen it. It says that the blacklisted items are cleared but I assume that the added ones will remain. Do I need to be connected to Gruss or is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks.
Have you pressed Confirm & Exit? They appear only in the clipboard area and not the top area.
Yes I did that but I wasn’tconnected to Gruss at the time and I wondered whether that was the reason. I am connected now so will give it a test.
I’ve just closed the boy again and reopened and the added selections have disappeared. So obviously need to keep the bot open.
Hi Bocco, problem solved thank you. Re your Casino bets are they available to ‘Lite’ Masterclass members and if so where?
Thank you Stephen. Yes, they are in my daily Club post and you have access fine.
Morning Bocco, in the HRP Bot what is the criteria for the ‘Top Rated’ selection?
Hi Stephen, it’s a combination of race colours, scores and another factor!
Hi, I downloaded both Gruss and HRP bot yesterday and all connected. I am lost now – I want to have the software select the bets daily and use Gav’s 4% plan splitting my bank into 3, but have no idea where or how to start. Does the bot know which staking to use if I select Mighty Tosh, Money maker and LK to start with? Is this even a plan I should start with? Finding the site a bit overwhelming. thanks
If I were you Melissa, I would just work with the automated banks and let them do the work for you to begin with. Once you have spent a little time learning about the various clubs and gained daily experience you can branch out. Key is to choose one thing and master it.
Password Nightmare for me! I cant connect Betfair – Gruss – HRP
This could be a job for one of your helpers to visit and assist you in getting set up and sorted out Rene? It’s hard to know how we can help from a distance. Let me know if that is possible.
Boco, I have read Gavs entry this morning for the Dutch Gold and Diamond selections and results from yestserday. I am confused, as the selections yesterday were dutch selections, but the second race that did job done in his results was not a dutch?, today all selections are dutches, I would like to loo at this as a manual entry but want to understanding this betting methd? Thx
Hi Ian, if you read the betting instructions on the Club area (they are quite long and extensive) you should be ok.
Hey there! The one thing I’m unsure of with running the bot, is when to click that reset series and bank totals button. If you could help me out with that, that would be great 🙂
Morning Jason, you might want to do that if you put some extra funds into your bank or the levels change for another reason. Basically, if you want to reset the totals or begin a new series. Quads you would do it to keep the target as part of the cumulative total. If you read the Help manual there is a lot of information in there.
Hi, can you please tell me who is behind each of the 5 systems on the bot?
Morning Melissa, I saw the chat box discussion. Basically, it’s like driving a car in that there are still things we have to do. Learn how driving works, rules of the road. So even in any fully automated method, there are still things to understand like how to switch it on/off and get going overall. Giving instructions to the bot etc. This is what you will learn over the next week or so, I am sure the videos will help this weekend. You can learn about Quad betting via Lieutenant K’s Club along with his Joint Roster. If you like Mighty Tosh you can learn about his bets and use them in the bot or you can just let the automated bets do their thing everyday. By this time next week, you will be an expert!
Hello from Aus…I have loaded Gruss and the Automiser onto a VPS and all are operating correctly except for the Quads.
I went live last night and although the Quads loaded as Potential Selections they did not load as Method Selections and consequently were not placed as bets with Betfair. I have repeated the process with the new days fresh selections today and once again the Quads only, do not appear as method selections. I have reloaded the program and it still does not load the Quads to become active bet selections. All the other methods work fine. Hoping you can shed some light.
Question 2.
To load LK’s Joint Roster selections I am copying to word then to Xcell then editing the race details etc except the name and then pasting into HRP Members. This seems to work. My question is ….is there an easier way?
The might be the way to go with a loading issue John.
Thanks Gav
So after a few days using the automiser i’m beginning to understand how everything works but I am struggling with one thing.
I have been using the automiser to follow Bocco and quads while I learn how it all works but I don’t understand the start bank amount. To explain myself it is found in view series/settings then on staking plan settings.
How much should the start bank say should it be a percentage of my total betfair account. I’m a little confused but what it means and how it affects the bets
Hi Ben, thanks for your message. This is how I’m playing the bank set up. I have my bank divided into 6 parts. One for each element of the Automiser and one for my manual bets and Casino bets combined. Simply put, to follow my method you would put in say £600 and have £100 for each element. The Automiser tots up what you have got in each of the 5 auto banks and whatever is left over is how you are doing on your manual bank. Hopefully, this will help but do let me know if I have missed your point.
I am slightly confused about Boccos casino staking and would be grateful for some clarification. When it is mentioned we use a series of 6 or whatever number that might be does that mean we only use that amount of races and if we are not in profit be the set amount we reset the staking. Also if a series it carried over to a new day and we hit a winner or burst the number of races do we stop for the day.
I advise you to either End Series when it comes up or stop at the % gain you have set in the top box. Whichever comes first!
Bocco, coming to this area as not getting answers from chats/posts. Two questions please. 1. Coupmaster – can you please explain what the divisor is and how this works? 2. I have turned of Dutch Platinum as it has not worked for me at all and lost money. My question is, based upon the staking plan being for Dutching, canIi use the section in line with the HRP Platinum staking plane for other selections?
How unusual! I have hit target every day I have used the DP! I wonder what the issue is your end. Yesterday I was out after the first two bets had won! I think you may need to check what settings are in place. The Divisor sets the stake according to its number and governs the staking sequence according to the odds. That is why Coup Master currently uses 2.5 for the 5%/2.5% Job & Coup targets. Ps on DP if you check Gav’s post each day you can get another handle on this method.
On the HRP BOT Dutch Platinum this afternoon, three horses selected but no bet was placed. Why is that?
Hi Rene, I’m not sure, can you contact and supply your bet logs for that session.
Morning, I posted a question here on April 10th which hasn’t been responded to yet, just wondering when I might receive a response? Thanks.
Was the question Daniel? I cannot seem to locate it.
Hello Bocco,
My question relates to what is the best timing /stage to reset the various staking plans on the bot?
It sems there are various ideas around the forums. Thankyou
How do you mean exactly John? Can you give me an example.
Morning, I watched the Masterclass event videos yesterday and was disappointed that the part about the staking plan spreadsheets hadn’t been included. Would it be possible to have a brief summary of the C20 and Casino spreadsheets again? I need to get my head around why you could use it over the Platinum staking plan for example and each ones advantages and disadvantages etc. Many thanks Paula
Hi Paula, I think it was due to a problem with the audio not being there due to a technical hitch. But I will check and see what can be done to get Gav or myself presenting some detailed analysis of the sheets, if the Masterclass stuff is indeed lost.
Thank you Bocco. That would be great as I want to start using them if they could be beneficial to me but I need to understand their purpose a bit more
If you check my daily post, I am using the Casino sheet every day and have done since the event! That might be a good place to start in the meantime.
If I wish to add The Bet of the Day, which method should I add it to? I still have two questions in Limbo!
Hi Rene, those type of selections should go in the HRP Top Rated bank. What other questions? I must have missed them.
For the HRP bot, If it can add a Daily Stop for overall daily set Profit, it is better and safer.
Yes, you can do that in the settings! Go to Automated betting settings.
That is for individual method settings.
i mean overall .
If overall profit has reach say $10, then stop all methods.
Hi Shih, yes a kind of Global Bank stop. There are issues and cons with that idea, but it is on the discussion table and does have strategic benefits. Good call.
Hi Bocco, are there any instructions available for the Casino Plan available to the Lite members. The worksheet is there but cant seem to follow the methodology.
Hi John, there is a video dedicated to it in the Masterclass video suite, let me know if you can’t find it. However, I plan to do a dedicated post on it tomorrow.
Hi Liz…I cant find it anywhere so I’ll be interested to see your post on this method tomorrow
Post will be delayed now, but you can download the spreadsheet from the Masterclass page and follow by reading my daily bets and using the recommended settings.
I have now set up the Automiser, and it has worked through its first day with the minimum test stakes, with everything seeming to work OK. However, I am having extreme difficulty accessing the videos of the weekend course. They take so long to download, with such excessive buffering that the download eventually cuts itself off. I haven’t yet got beyond the 5 minute mark of the first session – and that’s taken about half a dozen attempts. Is there some other way of accessing these videos?
Hi Paul, well done for getting cracking and set up! Can you contact our Tech via the Support Ticket system in the top menu bar please. Explain what is happening and we will get a fix.
OK Bocco, have contacted support. I see you have posted some results from yesterday’s Automiser in order to advertise its merits. I have a couple of queries – I had my Automiser running in Test Mode for the second day and recorded the following results compared to yours – Coup Master You Up 6.2%. Me Down 5%; Quads – You Up 8.8% Me Up 4.1%; Dutch Platinum You Up 15.3% Me Up 6.03%; Top rated You Up 18.7% Me Down 5%; then you have Bocco’s Casino and Joint Roster which i do not have as one of my 5 methods, but I do have HRP Members which has not recorded a bet in 2 days. I thought the Automiser would produce the same results for everyone as long as we went with the default settings. Are you perhaps not using the default settings but some alternative plans of your own – your Casino and Joint Roster certainly differ from the 5 plans I have on the bot.
Paul, I literally have no idea what you are talking about? All my results are posted each day in my Club. Though it is true that ALL my Automiser banks are up multifold.. apart from Coup Master (Up 75%) I have never disclosed them. So unless someone is trying to impersonate me, then I think you may be mistaken about something.
My apologies, Bocco. The results I were referring to are shown at the top of the page of Today’s Races. They are signed BC, and for some reason (alliteration perhaps) I thought that was you. Whoever it was is obviously someone connected to the administration of the site, rather than just being a member. As it wasn’t you, do you know who it was and why their results were obviously so different from mine from using the same software. Have I set it up incorrectly? Is there anything to be worried about in that one of the five methods has shown no bets over two days.
Hi Paul, that is a testimonial from one of the members and users of the Automiser. It was posted in the chat box! He has had great results and wanted to share the news! Your job is to learn how to use the Automiser and perform at your most effective each day, that way you can be posting the same results as others!. In a short space of time, you should have begun to crack it. It’s like we both have a Ferrari at the track, but Im a better driver than you. The fact is, until the other driver learns how to drive – I will get the Ferrari round better and faster.
The video on the HRP Automiser page was created using my real time results from using the automiser for the last 12 days. Default settings used and active method used was Joint Roster. My results are slightly different to LK because he uses “place bets 10 seconds before off”, whereas mine uses 30 secs before off. I have made 209% profit in 12 days. £100 starting bank….as of “before racing today” there is £309.22 in my betfair account.
PS. BC is not an admin or connected to the site. They are a member and posted that comment in the public chat box.
yesterday you gave 2.67 profit on “HRP members” I was stopped out! Are we on the same programme? I started with £500 and am now down to £182. 77 pence having been stopped 3 times since the 30th. Which HRP bot method should I use,and should I put yet more money into Bank?
Hi Rene,
I’m not sure what has gone on for you, perhaps you could leave a comment on the Joint Roster post itself?
Sorry just a quick one, when using platinum staking plan on 1 bet a day for example, do you use it as a rolling staking plan with the aim of eventually getting back to a two point stake, or if you’re at say 5 points on the staking plan for example but achieved say 5% profit on bank would you then re-set the stake to 2?
Morning Jack, good to hear from you. It would be with the aim of always resetting the stake to 2pts. So if a 2.5% profit or any other % profit is achieved, then I would personally reset the staking to 2pts with the bank figure updated to the new amount. Proven to deliver the goods! Best, Gav
Hi, further to my comment on the Lieutenant K chat, following a debit day, would i leave the automiser to run on for example a 7 point stake or would i reset the staking to start on it’s original stake? I believed that I would just let this run but would like clarification on this please?
Hi Jack,
I am not up to speed with this discussion, is it referring to a general policy of what to do?
Hi Gav,
Sorry please ignore LK has clarified this. Also, is there any more news on the ‘Gav’s show races method’? Do you have any more news regarding this strategy such as results etc?
Hi Jack, thanks for the update. Good call on my new method. I am going to pop in a post on Daily Use this weekend, outlining how I approach it. It’s for the manual fan obviously, but the technique once mastered is transferable to a ‘member’ bank on the Automizer (by and large).