Method Maker Spells It Out!
Each day we choose a roster of races from Today’s Races Grid and check to see which horses are named from the HRP Method Suite bets.
Here is an example from May 20th
Let’s take the very first race of the day 1pm Lingfield.
Click on Show Races on the right-hand column and you get this:
- Numbers 3 and 4, Signal Twenty Nine & Azor Ahai are both Dutch Gold & Dutch Diamond selections as listed in the right hand column.
- Azor Ahai is also listed as a Place Diamond selection.
- These two horses are your selections for the race, plus the SP favourite if different.
- So in this example you will have a maximum of three selections to work with in the race.
Analysis Of 1pm Lingfield
- One of the two named selections is almost certain to go off SP favourite, so you will have two selections to work with.
- The odds at the early morning mark of around 9am are 3.55 and 4.3 on Betfair.
- You can play a Multibet where your stake is split equally between the selections. So, 1pt on each.
- You could play a ‘Balanced Dutch’ so you get an equal return whichever selection wins.
- At these odds you could even go for a Dubble Bubble and play the Win/Place.
- To do that, you would take the shorter odds selections to WIN and the longer odds selection to Place.
- That would give you two bets of 3.55 & 1.78.
- If you win bet wins and your place bet gets in the frame, you have landed the Dubble Bubble and BOTH bets return profit
- If you win bet comes in but the place bet loses, you still make a good profit.
- If the win bet loses but the place bet gets in the frame, you make a very small debit on the race.
Step 1: Set Your Bank Up
- I recommend you split your bank into 75pts.
- So, if you have £200 that will be £2.66 per point
- If your bank is £500, that will be £6.66 per point
Step 2: Use the Platinum Staking Plan.
Back SP Fav & HRP Method Suite Selections
Bank Set Up
- 75pts for higher return/higher risk
- Reinvest profits each day to raise point value
- Aim for a 2.5% profit on capital each day
Bet Roster Instructions
- Use the HRP Platinum staking protocols for the SP favourite & HRP Method Suite
- If there are more than one Method Suite pick for a race, put them with the SP Fav (if applicable) in either a Multibet or Balanced Dutch
- Play the SP favourite selection to win or Place in each race, according to the Platinum Bet Placement protocols if same as HRP Method Suite selection
- If the first race of the roster shows a profit, we recommend stopping betting
- If SP Fav & HRP MS different, get both into a Multibet or a Win bet using a Balanced Dutch approach. You can use either the win or place or a combination of both.
- I am using the HRP Platinum Staking Plan and including the following option to play:
- Multibet – where the next stake is equally divided between two or more selections and may be placed singly on a win, place bet or combination thereof
- I also recommend you stop whenever you get into profit during the sequence, in practice, good days take you well over a target and make up for small gains on other days
Plan of Attack
- Take your daily bets from this page around Midday or earlier
- Stake them according to the instructions
- Stop when you are in profit
Advanced Methods
The Method Maker technique will give you a potential bet in every race of the day!
So, it is perfectly possible to compound your capital each time you reach a winning series.
This will quicken bank growth but obviously means more betting activity.
- You make a profit of 2% on race 1 and you immediately reinvest that profit to raise point value for race 2.
- On the whole, it is up to the individual player to decide if they want to stop or carry on betting.
- From time to time as the racing calendar gets busier with the Summer evening racing programme, you may well elect to go for multiple winning series during the day.
Good luck old boy!
Get In Squire!!
excellent stuff – how exciting! the staking plan is exceptional.
you mention TS 5 in the above results for yesterday… we didnt need to place that one correct?
Hiya, can I ask a couple of questions. Are the selections that you recommend simply taken from the HRP Top Rated picks, or the favourite for the race itself.
The other question is about the staking plan. I understand the part about adding a point, or decreasing a point depending on wins or losses, but halfway down the guidelines, you mention place odds. Is that a seperate staking guideline? I am a tad confused. Probably me being thick…
Morning Anthony, thanks for your question and sorry for the late reply. If I have not named the selection, you would simply take the Top Rated unless otherwise specified. That is of course, if I am working with Top Rated selections. Regarding your point on ‘Place’ odds. Well spotted. The odds of the selections will guide how you stake them. So if a selection meets the odds criteria you have mentioned, well that is how you will stake them. I will be placing some examples over next days. Stay in touch. MM
When are todays selections going up?
Sorry Mate, me again … on the staking guidelines you mention about place and/or win bet – where’s this indicated? Thanks!
Always love it when target is reached on the first bet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These days keep us sane! 🙂
Where do I find the HRP Platinum staking plan?
It’s on the Method Maker post at the top of the page Steve.
Another quick question….sorry…….with today’s selections, you have said to use the HRP Platinum Staking Plan…… that different from the plan you have written about above…….and if so, where can we find that?
Hi Anthony, it’s the same plan yes.
Cheers Gav
Quick question about today’s selections. The highlight selections are easy but for 2 races on 17th you mention Job & Plot Horse – what are these? They were not highlight so would have been ignored, so question is curiosity. Thanks.
Alan, they are in the named method suite.
Thanks. Found them.
hi I see you use a excel record sheet for you bets. Can I get a copy from anywhere
Sounds obvious, but is it?
In Platinum Staking Plan first stake is 2 pts. If the first win is evens or better, then reduce stake 2 pts – 0 pts, but with minimum of 2 pts, so remains at 2 pts.
Thus the only way to increase the stake is IF the selection loses increase by 1 pt, stopping at max of 8pts. Is this logic correct (if it it logic)?
Hi Alan,
You are broadly correct. I would say you can choose where to stop, MM stopped at 7 maximum stake the other day for instance. You could raise the stake in the event of a winner at a stake of 2. Then the next bet qualify’s for the split stake due to the 1.9 (or thereabouts) Place price and would rise to 4. Make sense? It’s actually a very simple plan, once you get used to it. Concentrate on working out your cash/point value simultaneously. There will be the Platinum Staking Tool issued end of next month, for members who have mastered things. Does this help? Let me know. Gav
hi I see you use a excel record sheet for you bets. Can I get a copy from anywhere?
Hello Terry, yes the staking tool will be issued to members when they have been a member for 3 months or they have made 30 forum posts, Whichever comes sooner.
Tried out MM yesterday and had a reasonable return from my small stake to test the waters, so to speak. Will try again today and try and get my head around the Staking Plan. Where it states “Stop if a stake of 8 pts if reached” , does that apply to hitting a profit target too? Or when do you stop?
Also, if the odds on the first bet would allow a split stake, do you apply it there as well or just go for a win bet?
Sorry to appear a bit dim…..
Hi James, the ‘stop at 8pts’ is a guideline and I would recommend you stop at an earlier point for the start of the campaign. Hopefully it won’t get there, but paper trading is really the way to go first couple of weeks. Get a handle on things, speak to MM and discuss etc. You ‘stop’ when you have hit or got close to your profit target.. keep it steady to begin with at 2.5% per day on average. These are good questions you are asking! If the odds indicate a ‘split stake’ on the first bet then that is what you must go for. Does this help? Gav
Hi Gav. I, like a few others of your followers, am finding the HRP Staking Plan rather confusing and contradictory. Still not sure if I am following the plan correctly. Is it possible you could clarify the staking plan a little more precisely for numbskulls like me.
Yes, there is an article in my Daily Use Club Rob, that could help you! Give it a read and let me know any query via the comments section please. There is absolutely nothing contradictory that I know of, in the HRP Platinum Plan, though you may well be experiencing confusion etc. Let me know. Gav
Hi MM.
I only joined a few hours ago & need a bit of advice. Can you let me know exactly what I am looking for when following your selections? Today (26th Dec) you said:
I have gone to HRP Method Suite and dialed up Top Rated score over 50 and Odds Movement + 0.00 – so it has to have a green figure.
There was only 1 horse in your screen shot which had Top Rated score over 50 and Odds Movement + 0.00 – This was Wetherby 12.30 Inchcolm.
Am I a bit thick or am I completely making a pigs’ ear of everything? Cheers, Rob.
I think I see your issue Rob. They ALL have a + 0.00 odds movement. Incholm simply has the lowest score. Make sense? If you enter the formula into Bet Builder Pro and get the same selections as in the screenshot from Method Maker, you have done it right.
Somewhere i have seen this: ‘Stake according to odds’ but I do not know what that means. I think that refers to the Platinum Staking Plan. As I cannot be up to date with results I could not add a point or take a point off for the ‘ next race’. I would like to work out my stake for the day according to what my bank stands at, work out the profit of 3.5% for the day and that is that for that day. If I did that, should my required profit for the day be higher than 3.5% to allow for the odd loss? How would I work out how much to stake on any day? Hope these are not too many questions if so sorry but I am struggling to find a system to do every day. I have to say they all seem excellent but I just have one morning slot to do this. A bonus might be another one later but I would rate that as a new series and repeat the morning system with the pm racing. Am I on the right track please? Thanks
Hi Janet, in the HRP Platinum staking plan, we gear our stake according to the odds of the selection. Gav
Hi Gav can you do some samples of bets and how to place a bet when splitting odds and bets on the calculator where you change the win and place odds how do we put them on at the bookies as I dont see a betting space for them when placing a bet.
Kind Regards
Hi Bernadette, I will do that using some results from yesterday. Be up this morning. You can see split stakes at work most days in the Club betting results screenshot. Gav
Dear Sir, please could you direct me to the basics like what the different colours mean. where to find Method Maker bets each day. l’ve read the scripts and listened to all the videos. But l cannot find all the basic information, like which colours to bet on to win which are each-way. ETC
Thanks Alfred
Hi Alfie, you want the members home page in the menu bar for information on the race colours and Method Makers daily post for his bets and instructions. All information is in the videos, so give them a look over again. Gav
I’ve decided to follow the Method Maker each day but as I can’t usually follow the bets live I’m planning to use Bet Sender and the Retirement plan. I’ve set up today’s bets as win bets with the exception of Asylo in the 2.10 at Uttoxeter which I’m doing win and place. It doesn’t give me an option of stopping at a set profit which today would be £8.13 so I’m going to see how the day pans out.
Well done Steven, you have found an approach that fits in with your circumstance. I am sure it will be successful so please keep up posted and thanks for sharing. Gav
Hi there Ive just joined for the trial and want to try and win a few pounds each day .What is the simplist way and do I have to be at the screen all day. thanks
Hi Noel, welcome. I am sure we can get you going in your objective. The very best thing to do, is join the Financial Independence Club if not already done so. Then review my Daily Use Club, the members Home Page and the Club betting options. All are in the top menu bar. Keep me posted on your progress. Gav
Hi Gav any chance of updating the profit & Loss for the method maker please its about 2 week out of date??
Hi Shaun, yes there is a delay in filling them in.. but in the last two weeks the bank overall has grown by about 35% including what I think today’s results are going to be. All the Club banks will pretty much double every month, minimum Shaun. Losing days won’t affect that simple reality. Fav
Hi MM,
I am using the Alternate Staking Retirement TSM Plan, which stopped the play yesterday with the Johnbb (favourite) winning. Do you know if it is likely to add the HRP Platinum Staking Plan into TSM?
Kind regards, Andrew
Hi Andrew, there are no plans at the moment.. but we are in touch with Dave so you never know! Gav
This morning I read your article on creating three banks each of £100. I have lost the article and I cant find it anywhere on the site, would you kindly point me in the right direction Gav!
Hi Rene, it’s in the FI Club along the top menu bar. Gav
I would like to follow this method
Good for you Andrew, welcome aboard! Gav
Today I will commence a review of this service for the Betting School Insiders Report. One question: why don’t the results acknowledge Betfair commission? I appreciate that the more that is bet the lower the commission will become so it will not be the same for everyone but this deduction will never totally disappear and ignoring it will compound this discrepancy and unfairly inflate the cumulative return. I believe it would be fairer to show an ongoing 5% deduction even though the big hitters will be paying less.
Waste of time Keith, everyone has different levels etc. Gav
I am on this site looking for the Recovery Module which I am still unable to find although I am told it is here. There must be another page but I am unable to find it. Please advise.
Keith, is it 7 or 8 times you have asked the same question.. is that a record or a joke? the answer is the same, the Recovery Module is outlined in the posts of the past two days and appears in the post. Notice how literally no one else has queried the matter. I wonder why? Probably because it’s in the post. Very disappointing.
Hi , are there any tips on here today ?
Hi David, yes you can work with Todays Races or wait for Method Maker to start his Club back up again, next Monday. Or you can work with Lieutenant K’s daily betting roster in his club area!
Ok Thanks
I am new and a little confused when you refer to SP favorite is that the favorite on the bookies and do i cover all races that run today from the uk or just the races listed above? also we stop at 6-7pts loss but when do we stop in profit also if you have a stoppage because of loses on day do we start another series straight away or wait for the next day I know the questions I am asking may be already answered here and sound silly but I just wanted to clarify
Hi Ian, the SP Favourite is the favourite in the race as measured by what selection has the shortest odds overall. It’s entirely up to you what races to cover each day, but Method Maker bases his Club on the races he puts up and stopping at or around his designated target. If he is using the Recovery Module or the Reserve Top Up principle, then he or anyone else may play on to get an extra target or two. Regarding your last questions, if you look at the Recovery Module or Reserve Top Up principle this will answer your questions. The very best thing to do is religiously follow every day and ask questions to clarify the daily bets, results and post updates.
thank you so much for helping me so quickly
Maybe I’m just stupid but I can see selections going back to August 10 th in the daily write up but cannot see anything for today (August 20th)
Hi John, Method Maker is back after his holiday.
I wonder if I could check that I understand the approach here:
If the place odds are between 1.16 and 1.6 then it’s a place only bet
If the place odds are 1.16 and upwards then it’s a split win/place bet
Is that right?
Hello, the way to think of it is that you are almost always playing two bets. 1. the 5% place chuck and 2. the altering sum in the Total Stake column. You would ‘split stake’ the figure in the Total Stake column if the odds were 1.6 or over. Does that help?
I’m sorry, I am afraid I still don’t understand. COuld you try and spell it out in a very basic way? I apologise. I’ve read and re-read the instructions and feel foolish for asking.
Please, it’s ok to ask as many times as you want! I understand that Method Maker is placing further instructions on to the main post today and that should clear everything up.
Thank you! The updated instructions are great.
Super! Great to hear. Keep us posted on how you get on. I understand MM will be putting an ‘Example 2’ up shortly. So watch out for that.
Any bets today?
a general question—–if you have a poor day and your bank is in arrears do you top up from the reserve bank and also do you restart the betting process on the original bank value or do you carry on with the points bet showing on the platinum spreadsheet.
Hi Colin, you top up from the reserve and begin from exactly where you left off. Topping up profits 50% and Reserve 50% Does that help?
thanks Gav——i notice on yesterdays results there were win bet with odds below the recommended 1.6 for a place so my results do not match up—-is this because they were a balanced dutch bet?
also the spreadsheet says target 5% and divisable by 50—-i thought it was 2.5% and divisable by 75—-do i need to change my sheet to match
Hi Colin, my sheet is actually set to 1.5 on the place odds, if you check the screenshot. But I haven’t noticed anything close to the minimum odds lately. How you set your sheet is up to you, the settings used in Method Maker are exactly as shown on my sheet. You couldn’t have a bet WITHIN the Balanced Dutch as low at 1.5 or 1.6, otherwise it would end up too short. Which one are you referring to exactly? If you make sure you leave the query on the post relating to the day the bet took place. Best, Gav
Gav, in addition to my query above i have agin looked at yesterdays results and it seems that i have a fundamental misunderstanding of the bets to place—can you explain further how you bet on the 1.15 and 1.45 at pontefract—for the 1.15 i had a losing multibet on epeius and war whisper as a place bet and on the 1.45 i had a loss on jordan electrics and a win on lincoln gamble as a multiple place bet,
Hi Colin, was there a reason you had War Whisper in the 1.15? I attemmpted the Place Dubble Bubble with Epeius and the SP Fav with 1.51 for the combined pair of odds. 1.45 I attempted the Win/Place Dubble Bubble with Jordan Electrics as SP Fav 4.8 and the winner, Mr Orange at 2.76 the Place. The combined odds for the pair gave me a 1.5 for the Balanced Dutch. Was there a reason you had Lincoln Gamble in the 1.45 bet? It’s just that it wasn’t a method selection. Let me know. But WELL DONE for getting stuck in. Mastering this method is the money shot, very much so. Try to ask at least one question every day, in a week you will be close to expert! Best, Gav
Thanks Gav—i must have thought they were the favs—-maybe i am placing the bet too early—-what time are you placing before the off, also i am confused that you backed Mr Orange as it had a large negative movement or am i misunderstanding something,
also do i need to change my target % and divisable no to match your example or is 2.5% and 75 ok
Hi Colin, the only selections I use are the named selections on the post and the SP Fav if not included on the post. Bets go down just before the off. Mr Orange was on the post, so that is a bet. I would use the same settings as Method Maker (personally) – 50pt split. But best thing to simplify as you get going is use the selections I list each morning. Does that help? Best, Gav
They wouldn’t and couldn’t have been Favs Colin, if they were SP Fav I would have put them in the bet. Are you using Method Suite later in the day to find selections, I wonder?
i seem to be the only person asking questions—does that make me stupid??
The selection of Mr Orange is still confusing me as it was a place diamond selection and the rules state must have a positive price movement when in fact it had a large negative movement.
also how do you decide when to multibet or dutch or does it make any difference..
Thanks for your patience in answering all of these questions.
Hi Colin, but Mr Orange DID have a positive odds movement> Can you get into the habit of leaving comments on the post in question. Here, for instance we want the post where Mr Orange is selected. This is August 14th. If Mr Orange did not have a positive odds movement, hwo do you think it would get in my list on the post? Are you using selections from Method Suite later on in the day, I use the qualifying selections at the time I do the post, you see. They can change if you take the Method Suite later in the day.? Best, Gav
Multibet or Dutch? I think this is a good question, it’s really down to the odds. If you get 3 selections at 4 that is a BD of 1.33 but say, it’s a Dubble Bubble attempt and one of the selections (longer odds) has a Place price of 2.5? Well, that would be a BD of 1.11 and a bit short – so the Multibet. Generally the Multibet is for use on 3 or more selections. OR if it’s a even split on the odds of 2.9 and 3.1 say for two selections. Does that help? I am impressed you are determined to master this method. Method Maker is the money shot when understood manually, as it means you can approach 99% of race days knowing that you are going to win.
No, it makes you a very sensible player!
Hello there, when do you normally post your selections?Are there bets every day?