My Do’s & Dont’s:
DO set an alarm for the 1st race. (I took the dogs out on a couple of occasions & fell asleep when I got back warm & dry. I missed a few winning bets doing this.) I now use the alarm on my phone.
DO check your stake amount before submitting your bet. (I was doing an £8.70 Place Bet recently and merrily clicked away, only to find out I submitted a bet for £87!!!) The 2 options were to Trade Out (losing a guaranteed tenner) or letting the bet ride. I let it ride, but was so nervous I went to the shops to take my mind of it. I checked Sporting Life & it came in 3rd. Phew!! DO check before placing your bet.
DON’T wait to the last minute before placing your bets. On one OBAD selection, the race was late on in the afternoon. I thought I would put the bet on nearer the time & forgot! Another winning bet missed.
DON’T pack in if you have a few losing bets. I lost 3 bets 2 days on the run & my Bank suffered badly. Within a few days, it was back where it was and then returned to a healthy profit.